Flying in Dreams: A Surreal Journey through Levitation Photography

Maxim Zinchuk's Award-Winning Series Captures the Purity of Childhood Dreams

Maxim Zinchuk's "Flying in Dreams" series, a unique exploration of levitation photography, beautifully encapsulates the purity and brightness of childhood dreams. The series, which won the Silver A' Photography and Photo Manipulation Design Award in 2022, is a testament to Zinchuk's creative prowess and technical expertise.

The inspiration for "Flying in Dreams" comes from the universal human experience of dreaming. Zinchuk believes that dreams are what propel us forward, and their outcomes are shaped by our imagination and the efforts we put forth. To reflect this, he chose to feature children in white outfits, symbolizing the purity and brightness of their dreams. This concept is further enhanced by a quote from William Shakespeare: "all things that are, are with more spirit chased than enjoyed".

What sets "Flying in Dreams" apart from other photographic series is Zinchuk's use of the levitation photography technique. This method involves composing two or more shots of a scene taken from the same angle: one with the subject and one without. The image without the subject is then used to mask out all unnecessary elements that were used to support the subject in a certain pose. This technique creates a surreal effect that perfectly embodies the series' main idea.

The realization of "Flying in Dreams" was a multi-stage process that included location scouting, outfit creation, pose and prop planning, lighting setup, shooting, and post-processing. The technical specifications of the project included the use of a Canon EOS 5D Mark III, a Canon EF 24-70 mm F2.8 lens, a Canon Speedlite 600EX II, a tripod, and a PC with Adobe Photoshop.

Despite the challenges posed by levitation photography, such as the need for extensive preparation and post-processing, Zinchuk and his team, including photographer assistant and clothing designer Nargiza Usmanova and models Rada and Nazar, were able to successfully execute the project. The series was created in Ontario, Canada, between 2016 and 2017, and has since been published on social media and Zinchuk's personal website.

In conclusion, "Flying in Dreams" is a remarkable series that brilliantly utilizes the levitation photography technique to capture the essence of childhood dreams. The series' success, as evidenced by its Silver A' Design Award, is a testament to Zinchuk's creativity, technical expertise, and dedication to his craft.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Maksim Zinchuk
Image Credits: Image #1-5 Photographer Maxim Zinchuk, Flying in Dreams, 2016-2017
Project Team Members: Photographer: Maxim Zinchuk; photographer assist, clothing design: Nargiza Usmanova; models: Rada and Nazar.
Project Name: Flying in Dreams
Project Client: Maksim Zinchuk

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Flying in Dreams IMG #5

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